Introducing a new member of the Auramala Project team!

I’m very proud to introduce to our followers a new member of the team. Enrica Biasi, who hails from Durham in the UK, has come to spend a year with us here in Pavia, and lend a hand with the hard work of the research project. She’s already proved a valuable asset to the Project, and we’re all sure she will contribute an enormous amount over the next year. Here is what she has to say about herself:


Hello, I’m Enrica, and I will be working with the Auramala Project for the next 10 months. After recently graduating from the University of Oxford with a BA in History, I’m incredibly excited to have the opportunity to work on the project, to find out whether there is any more compelling evidence to support the theory that Edward II did not die in Berkely Castle in 1327. As an avid fan of detective stories and mysteries, I hope to help chase down as many possible lines of enquiry and to get closer to some concrete certainties.

I’ll be starting by continuing to share the geneological research of Craig L. Foster, who is tracing Eleanor of Castille’s female descendants, adding as much detail as I can find to flesh out their personalities. Through this, I want to encourage interest in the history of these often obscure women, as well as gaining as much information as possible relevant to the Project, aiming for reliability, thoroughness, and verifiability. I’m looking forward to sharing my discoveries with you!

Enrica Biasi


Enrica’s first post will shortly be online!

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